Today we are answering another question. It’s about changing lanes in an intersection. And why it’s a bad idea. Preparing for your ICBC road test? Be sure to check out my epic article: ICBC Road Test Tips For Classes 5 & 7 [Instructor Gets Deep]. Question: Is changing lanes in an intersection illegal in beautiful British…
Driving Skills
Dempster Highway – Isolated Mystic Beauty
If I ever go missing, look for me here Escape from the city to… Dempster Highway, Yukon. Hmm, 736 km long highway in the middle of no where with no gas stations till the end of the road? Better get some gas. Better bring some extra gas. A LOT of extra gas. The Dempster Highway…
What To Do After A Car Accident – 13 Quick Safety Pointers
what to do after a car accident Sometimes, despite all of your defensive driving techniques, a crash still happens. First thing, don’t panic. Follow these tips for what to do after a car accident. And know that you aren’t the only one. 1. What To Do After A Car Accident – Stop and Do not…
Is It Illegal To Drive In Flip Flops? For Sure Choose Shoes
Bare Feet & Flip Flops In Summertime Is it illegal to drive in flip flops? What about bare feet? It turns out that driving in flip flops or bare feet is not illegal in most places. However, driving is serious business and driving in flip flops has great potential for disaster. Driving in bare feet…
Car Won’t Go in a Straight Line? New Driver Tutorial
Driving In A Straight Line Question about driving in a straight line. I’m a very new driver, just starting out (in my adult years). Very disconcerting is the fact that despite all my attempts to adjust the movement of the car by turning the wheel, the car still drifts from side to side. My instructors…
Fast Lane, Slow Lane, Right Lane, Wrong Lane
Life in the fast lane Fast lane, what?! It’s a real thing. I couldn’t help but notice in the news recently, Vancouver Police welcome crackdown on left-lane bandits. Bandits? ban·ditnounplural noun: banditsa robber or outlaw belonging to a gang and typically stealing left lanes from other people and operating in an isolated or lawless area. Maybe this…
Green Light vs Green Arrow While Driving – Perplexing
Green Light vs Green Arrow Some new drivers ask this question and it’s about the green light vs green arrow. Both are beautiful green things found at intersections. So, what’s the difference? The answer is in where you go. Drivers facing the regular green light may generally proceed straight ahead or turn left or right;…
Driving High – The Truth & Why It’s Sketchy
Can I Do It? It’s a fair enough question. Wondering about driving high is probably on more people’s mind than I’d like to think. The short answer is: it is illegal to drive while impaired In Canada, drug-impaired driving has been illegal for a very long time; since 1925 in fact. Remember the basic facts….
Roads For Learner Drivers
Roads For Learner Drivers Some people are wondering about roads for learner drivers. More specifically, are there any roads that learner drivers are not allowed to drive on? This is a bit of a funny question from a driving instructor’s point of view. Mostly because from this perspective, we know that the only way…