Immediate & Non-Immediate Threats
- To report an immediate threat (impaired driver, for example), call 911
- To report non-immediate threats, call your local police non-emergency line
Reporting bad driving in Surrey, BC online
Residents of Surrey are now able to report poor driving behaviours and road infractions that are not in progress, such as speeding, distracted driving, or failing to follow road signs or signals. To make an online bad driving report, head to Surrey RCMP Reporting.
Police Non-Emergency Numbers
To quickly find your local non-emergency police phone number in British Columbia, head to Non-Emergency Numbers/E-Comm 911 or Local BC RCMP Detachments.
Driving Infractions – In Progress [Surrey]
Driving infractions that are still in progress can be dialled in to the Surrey RCMP’s non-emergency line at 604-599-0502.
Category: Driving Skills
I have a brother in Sydney who is an absolute danger on the roads. Besides driving stoned all the time also is prone to mini seizures oh ya and won’t see an eye doctor because of an eye issue since birth. But he and his mother (my mother) live in denial. Who do I call to get his ass off the road and on a bus.
Hi… Sorry to hear this. I think Road Safety BC may be able to help.
Toll free: 1-855-387-7747
Looks like you can report him:
With all the talk the past week or so about operating safely in traffic, there is one aspect that appears to have been overlooked. Without fail recently when driving in Vernon after dark every bicycle I see is being operated without lights or even a reflector and the operator is invariably dressed in dark closing with no reflective material attached and I very nearly hit one of them. I can almost guarantee the next fatality in Vernon will be a cyclist after dark. J.L.Mawle, Vernon.
Thank you for the comment. I can create an announcement on my site, but I’m not sure all the folks in Vernon would see it. Maybe a letter to your local paper might help?