Reporting Dangerous Drivers in BC – The Simple Guide

Reporting Reckless Drivers

In the picturesque province of British Columbia, where lush forests meet breathtaking mountain ranges and stunning coastlines, the roads wind through some of the most spectacular scenery in Canada. But amid this natural beauty, a concerning issue lurks – dangerous drivers who pose a serious threat to road safety. The need to address reckless behavior on our highways and byways has never been more critical.

From the bustling streets of Vancouver to the remote stretches of the Trans-Canada Highway, we all share the responsibility of ensuring safe travels for ourselves and our fellow citizens. In this article, we delve deep into the issue of reporting dangerous drivers in British Columbia, exploring why it matters, how it can make a difference, and what actions you can take to contribute to safer roads for everyone.

reporting dangerous drivers British Columbia
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A reader’s comment inspired this article

How do I report an “N” driver driving an SUV driving at least 80 in a 50 KPH zone on Evans Road, Chilliwack just now……….& weaving in & out like a moron ? Why are people like this getting an N licence in the first place ? Getting tired of Insurance rate increases with nutjobs like this all set to go for a potential roll over or crash.

Clearly, there’s a noticeable drop in driving proficiency among certain individuals once they’ve successfully passed their road test.

reporting dangerous drivers in BC
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It’s as if the moment some drivers receive their licenses, they undergo a remarkable transformation, evolving into something straight out of a blockbuster action film, akin to characters from “The Fast and the Furious.”

Isn’t it curious that virtually every driver navigating the streets has successfully cleared their road test, yet people continually find themselves resorting to Google with queries like “how to report reckless drivers”?

Now, let’s delve into the intriguing realm of reporting a perilous driver you’ve encountered on the open road. Perhaps you sense an imminent threat, not just to yourself but to everyone sharing the asphalt.

Report Dangerous Driving If The Threat Is Immediate

If you witness driving behavior that sends shivers down your spine and poses an imminent danger, don’t hesitate to dial 911 immediately and report the alarming situation.

call emergency 911 if dangerous driving is immediate threat
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Example: A Car Driving The Wrong Way

Picture this: a car careening down the highway in the opposite direction, a heart-pounding, adrenaline-inducing spectacle that screams “EMERGENCY!” But guess what? The need to dial 911 doesn’t always have to come with a Hollywood-style car chase.

car driving the wrong way on the highway
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Enter the world of tipsy, intoxicated, or simply reckless drivers who are stealthily weaving through traffic like they’re auditioning for a daredevil show. And trust me, there’s a whole menu of risky driving behaviors out there (yes, you heard that right).

So, here’s the deal: if you spot anything on the road that sets off your danger radar, whether it’s the wrong-way speed demon or someone else exhibiting the art of “creative” driving, don’t hesitate – grab your phone and make that call to 911. Your quick thinking could save lives. Under British Columbia’s electronic device laws, you’re allowed to use your phone while driving if it’s for an emergency.

A driver must not:

  • Hold, operate, communicate or watch the screen of a hand-held electronic communication device
  • Send or receive text messages or email on any type of electronic device, or
  • Hold, operate, communicate or watch the screen of a hand-held electronic computing device, one of the purposes of which is to process or compute data

These prohibitions do not apply if the driver is:

  • Safely parked and off the roadway, or
  • Making an emergency call to 911
Use of Electronic Devices While Driving – British Columbia

Get the License Plate Number

license plate for dangerous drivers in BC
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Capturing the license plate number of the misbehaving vehicle should be your top priority. When you reach out to the police, having this crucial information at your fingertips is an absolute must. You see, describing the suspect as driving a ‘grey Honda Civic’ doesn’t quite cut it when it comes to helping the police zero in on the culprit.

Write Down Details

write down details when reporting dangerous drivers
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Unlock the power of your memory. When it comes to reporting reckless drivers, every detail you recall can make a crucial difference. Human memory may not always be our strongest suit, so harness it to the max by documenting a comprehensive account of the incident. Jot down vivid specifics about:

  1. The Characters: Paint a portrait of the individuals involved. Describe them in vivid detail; their appearance, demeanor, and any noticeable traits.
  2. The Heart of the Matter: Chronicle the event itself, leaving no stone unturned. Was it a close call, a dangerous maneuver, or a series of erratic actions?
  3. The Theater of Action: Pinpoint the exact location where this drama unfolded. Provide street names, landmarks, or any distinctive features of the surroundings.
  4. Chronicle Time: Document the precise moment it all transpired. Time can be a crucial factor, so don’t let it slip through the cracks.
  5. The ‘Why’ Factor: If you can fathom it, tell us why you think this occurred. Sometimes, the motive behind reckless behavior can be enlightening.
  6. Unearth Unseen Details: Don’t forget the seemingly minor details; a bumper sticker, a unique license plate, or a distinctive vehicle make and model could be the missing link.

Non-Immediate Threats

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If it’s not appropriate to call 911 for immediate action, then you can call the police non-emergency number for the area (city or town) the incident occurred.

Make sure to get and write down your file number for your complaint. The police give every complaint a file number. You will need this if you do follow up with your complaint again at a later time.

Report Dangerous Drivers In BC – 3 Options

There are three options available to report dangerous drivers in this province

  • Report the Incident Anonymously
  • You have the power to speak up while keeping your identity a secret. But that’s not all – you can also choose to step back if you prefer not to get further involved.
  • Or, become an Active Advocate. Report the incident, reveal your identity, and even pledge to stand up in court if the situation calls for it.


Choosing the anonymous complaint route means the police will swing by, but their hands are somewhat tied unless they catch something in the act. In most cases, these complaints tend to slip down the priority ladder for law enforcement.

report dangerous drivers
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Reporting The Incident & Identifying Yourself

If you opt for the second choice – reaching out to the non-emergency police line and stepping forward as a vigilant citizen – the scenario unfolds with a touch of intrigue.

Picture this: as you make the call, you set in motion a sequence of events. The police, equipped with your information, swing into action and begin patrolling the vicinity, a sort of modern-day neighborhood watch.

Now, here’s where it gets interesting. Should they stumble upon the suspect vehicle, it’s not just a mundane encounter. They’ll gently approach the driver and drop a little nugget of information – there’s been a complaint. A mysterious aura surrounds the interaction as the police have a chat with the driver like detectives unraveling a case.

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But wait, there’s more. If it turns out that the registered owner wasn’t behind the wheel, the plot thickens. The police, like scribes of old, craft a letter of caution, sending it on a clandestine mission to the owner. Inside this letter lies the secret of the vehicle’s misadventures, divulging the details of the complaint.

And there it ends, leaving the owner to decipher the cryptic message and ponder the mysteries of their car’s journey as reported by a vigilant observer like yourself.

Reporting The Dangerous Driving and Committing to a Court Appearance

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Picture this: You’ve chosen the third and most intriguing option. Brace yourself for a thrilling journey ahead. Your role begins with a dramatic unveiling of your identity and a steadfast pledge to step into the spotlight of a potential courtroom showdown.

As the curtain rises, the police force springs into action, embarking on patrols and launching a full-blown investigation. Their quest for justice hinges on you, as they eagerly await your written testimony, the script that will unfold the whole narrative.

This statement isn’t just any ordinary piece of paperwork; it’s the epic script of your story, detailing every twist and turn of the incident. With each word, the police craft an intricate mosaic, painting a vivid picture of the unfolding drama that awaits.

How Police Will Investigate the Dangerous Driving Incident

Once you report dangerous drivers, what will the police do?

Imagine this scenario: You’re driving down the road, and suddenly, you witness a reckless driver endangering everyone on the road. It’s a heart-pounding moment, and you know you need to take action. But what’s the key to ensuring that justice is served? It all boils down to one critical piece of information: the license plate number.

The police understand the significance of this number, as it’s their first step in the pursuit of justice. They’ll swiftly embark on a mission to identify the registered owner of the offending vehicle. Why is this so crucial? Because it’s the only way to accurately report those dangerous drivers who put lives at risk.

Picture this: A dedicated police officer pays a personal visit to the vehicle’s owner, delivering the news that their cherished possession has been involved in an incident that violates the law – specifically, the Motor Vehicle Act. It’s a moment of truth, a wake-up call for the owner.

But that’s not the end of the story. The police won’t stop there; they’re determined to uncover the driver’s identity. And here’s a twist: failing to reveal who was behind the wheel at the time is an offense in itself. Yes, even if it was the registered owner who took the wheel.

Now, the police have options. They can take direct action against the offending driver, ensuring they face the consequences of their actions. Alternatively, they may choose to charge the registered owner for the initial offense or for their failure to identify the driver. It’s a web of accountability, and the police are here to ensure that every thread is unraveled.

Speaking With The Driver

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  • When speaking with the driver, the police will summarize the complaint
  • The offending driver does not have to say anything in response

However, when the driver provides an explanation, the police are all ears, ready to lend a listening ear. This explanation could potentially become a key player in the courtroom drama if things escalate to that level.

Here’s where it gets interesting – the police are faced with a pivotal decision. They hold the power to either slap a violation ticket on the driver or choose to extend a friendly caution. It’s like a game of legal chess, where each move is tailored to the unique circumstances of the situation.

And the suspense doesn’t end there; it’s not just a one-way street. Brace yourself, because the police will dial you up for an exciting update on the unfolding saga.

Then What?

You may not find yourself in a courtroom battle at all. In fact, many choose to swiftly resolve their tickets with a simple payment or even by letting them slip into oblivion.

However, should you choose to let it linger in the shadows, after 30 days from the date of issue, it will stand as a silent, undeniable conviction.

When The Dangerous Driving Ticket Is Disputed

Picture this: You’re cruising along the road when suddenly, a ticket lands in your lap. But hold on, the story doesn’t end there. The driver, possibly you, decides to take on the challenge and dispute the ticket. Brace yourself, because the drama is just beginning.

In the not-so-distant future, your phone might ring, and guess who’s on the line? It’s none other than the investigator, ready to spill the beans on when and where the dispute showdown will take place. But wait, there’s a twist. You might also receive an elusive paper subpoena, adding a touch of mystery to the proceedings.

Fast forward to the day of reckoning in court. Time has a sneaky way of erasing memories, so don’t forget to bring your trusty notes as your sidekick. You’ll want to recall every nitty-gritty detail of the incident.

Now, picture yourself in the spotlight, facing off against the prosecutor, who’s usually the investigator incognito. You’ll need your wits about you, because you’re on the hot seat, ready to answer every question fired your way.

But that’s not all. The accused or their savvy lawyer might also turn the tables and grill you with their own set of questions. It’s a courtroom showdown where every word counts, and you’re right in the thick of it.


Let’s dive into how to report dangerous drivers in beautiful British Columbia! After you tell your side of the story, you’ll get to sit in the courtroom and see what happens next.

Here’s the exciting part: You’ll find out if the driver is guilty or not when the judge talks. If they are guilty, the judge will say what happens to them. If they’re not guilty, you’ll learn why. That’s pretty much how it works.

To find Non-emergency Police numbers to report dangerous drivers

To look up the non-emergency police phone number for your particular city, refer to 911 E-comm’s non-emergency phone number lookup website.

Options To Report Dangerous Drivers in Surrey

If dangerous driving occurred in Surrey, BC, you can also report it online. Surrey RCMP recently launched an online site for reporting crime. It takes about 15 minutes to go through the process of reporting dangerous drivers in Surrey.

This is part of a pilot project to reduce the number of calls that police get. The goal is to allow police to focus on higher-priority calls.

Other crimes you can report through the site include damage or mischief complaints. This works if the damage to a vehicle or a property is less than $5,000.

You can also use it to report hits and runs to unoccupied vehicles. In addition, property and theft under $5,000, and lost property under $5,000.

This online reporting site is meant to be for less serious crimes that happen in the City of Surrey. In addition, it’s meant for crimes where there may not be any suspects or witnesses. And, for things where follow-up by a police officer is not needed.

Carmen Cohoe

Carmen became a driving instructor in beautiful North Vancouver at the age of 22 due to some crazy people who agreed to hire her. After that, there was never a dull moment teaching many different folks from many different places how to drive using automatic and standard vehicles and a minivan.

25 thoughts on “Reporting Dangerous Drivers in BC – The Simple Guide

  • Henya Bak

    I was in the left turn lane when the driver next to me started to proceed a left turn and nearly caused an accident. I braked and he went on but I tooted him and he stopped. I told him he cut me off. The driver did not reply but teenager in the back seat told me that I was in the wrong and didn’t know how to drive. They sped on on and the young boy hurled invectives at me. I do have a video of the incident.

  • blair

    called non emerg about “L” driver going 80km in 50km zone; driver had already taken a left turn improperly and then when I went to pass “L” they began to speed up so i returned to behind them then they slowed again and again I tried to pass and they sped up to 80km in the 50km.. and they maintained that speed til they got to red light. I called non emerg when I got home and they said too late. they said I could have called 911. BUT I was DRIVING, and not on a street I could pull over. None of it makes sense.

    • That sounds crazy. Well shows what I know! Yeah it makes no sense sometimes… I guess sometimes it’s just better to get away from them if that’s an option.. I know it’s not always possible. I wonder if there’s a hands free way to call 911 and then put them on speaker phone..

  • Darlene yee

    I called 911 to report a dangerous driver and the woman from ecom said oh just keep back …useless .I was told later you cannot use 911 to report drivers doing illegal stuff.

  • Anonymous

    Today I was on my way home from grabbing lunch, a woman in a white Tesla cut out in front of me from a side street on Blueridge dr, causing me to slam on my breaks, she then
    proceeded to do a total of 30 km/h in a 50 zone. When confronted about cutting me off, she tried telling me that she didn’t and that that wasn’t cutting someone off. As I was taking a picture of her plate, she tried to hit me with her car, then took off after having her passenger photo me getting back into my truck. License: JK6 95G

  • Bill McDonald

    Heading east on hwy 91, Friday afternoon, Aug. 9, at Ford 250 van cut me off as I was about to pass a semi and just managed to squeeze between me and the semi only because I slammed on my brakes. He than proceeded to speed his way weaving through traffic in the same manner, took the 99 exit over the Oak street bridge and than a right on 70th. I continued North on Oak.
    License plate JX 7539.

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