Immediate & Non-Immediate Threats
- To report an immediate threat (impaired driver, for example), call 911
- To report non-immediate threats, call your local police non-emergency line
Reporting bad driving in Surrey, BC online
Residents of Surrey are now able to report poor driving behaviours and road infractions that are not in progress, such as speeding, distracted driving, or failing to follow road signs or signals. To make an online bad driving report, head to Surrey RCMP Reporting.
Police Non-Emergency Numbers
To quickly find your local non-emergency police phone number in British Columbia, head to Non-Emergency Numbers/E-Comm 911 or Local BC RCMP Detachments.
Driving Infractions – In Progress [Surrey]
Driving infractions that are still in progress can be dialled in to the Surrey RCMP’s non-emergency line at 604-599-0502.
Category: Driving Skills
I was in the left turn lane when the driver next to me started to proceed a left turn and nearly caused an accident. I braked and he went on but I tooted him and he stopped. I told him he cut me off. The driver did not reply but teenager in the back seat told me that I was in the wrong and didn’t know how to drive. They sped on on and the young boy hurled invectives at me. I do have a video of the incident.
called non emerg about “L” driver going 80km in 50km zone; driver had already taken a left turn improperly and then when I went to pass “L” they began to speed up so i returned to behind them then they slowed again and again I tried to pass and they sped up to 80km in the 50km.. and they maintained that speed til they got to red light. I called non emerg when I got home and they said too late. they said I could have called 911. BUT I was DRIVING, and not on a street I could pull over. None of it makes sense.
That sounds crazy. Well shows what I know! Yeah it makes no sense sometimes… I guess sometimes it’s just better to get away from them if that’s an option.. I know it’s not always possible. I wonder if there’s a hands free way to call 911 and then put them on speaker phone..
I called 911 to report a dangerous driver and the woman from ecom said oh just keep back …useless .I was told later you cannot use 911 to report drivers doing illegal stuff.
Oh wow okay
Today I was on my way home from grabbing lunch, a woman in a white Tesla cut out in front of me from a side street on Blueridge dr, causing me to slam on my breaks, she then
proceeded to do a total of 30 km/h in a 50 zone. When confronted about cutting me off, she tried telling me that she didn’t and that that wasn’t cutting someone off. As I was taking a picture of her plate, she tried to hit me with her car, then took off after having her passenger photo me getting back into my truck. License: JK6 95G
Heading east on hwy 91, Friday afternoon, Aug. 9, at Ford 250 van cut me off as I was about to pass a semi and just managed to squeeze between me and the semi only because I slammed on my brakes. He than proceeded to speed his way weaving through traffic in the same manner, took the 99 exit over the Oak street bridge and than a right on 70th. I continued North on Oak.
License plate JX 7539.
You can also call 911 if you see a dangerous driver and the police will deal with it immediately.