• Passing on the Right to Turn Right

    Do not pass on the right to turn right, Accept your sometimes-given right to pass on the right!  Hi, I had 2 quick questions. 1. At an intersection where it’s only 1 lane each way, theres is often room to create 2 lanes, so the right lane can turn right. I do this purely out…

  • Left Turn Traffic Light Procedure for Motorcycles – BC

    Left turn traffic light procedure for motorcycles Question: I took my motorcycle road test yesterday and passed. But I got called out on how I was performing left turns. My riding school drilled into us to not enter the intersection until we were sure we could proceed immediately through the turn…not to enter and wait…

  • Rant on Exiting Intersections on Yellow/Red (for new drivers)

    Q: I just failed my N road test because my instructor said I was not going the speed limit of 50km/h. I was maintaining speed of 45-48 on city roads because it was rush hour and there was alot of traffic. He also said I got a violation for being in an intersection on a red light. I…