Q: I’m a New Driver, and getting my license in November. I got a speeding ticket in November and got put on probation.
Now I just got another ticket in July, so did I automatically just get my license suspended or terminated? And if I dispute the ticket, does that pause anything?
It’s not good, that is for sure. According to these government guidelines, since this is a second infraction within 2 years, it looks like you’re in for a 2-6 month prohibition.
New Driver Intervention chart

What is more to the point is whether the scheduled road test is more than thirty days after the date of the offense
(the illegal turn), because it is my understanding that if a ticket is not disputed, then after thirty days the person is deemed to be guilty.
Another relevant quote from the above article from the office of the superintendent
Once the probation period has ended a driver remains under close scrutiny for anadditional two years and will likely be subject to a driving prohibition if further offenses areadded to the driving record.In most cases, a Notice of Intent to Prohibit is sent to the driver giving them an opportunityto make a submission to show why the prohibition should not proceed or should be reduced.
Class 5 Exam
Question: I was about to go for my class 5 license exam this week, but just got a ticket today for changing lane on a solid white line (2 points). Does it mean I have to wait for 2 more years until I can take the class 5 license exam?
Answer: No, the ticket itself will not keep you from taking the Class 5 exam.
It is only a problem if the ticket is enough (you have a previous ticket) to win a driving prohibition from the Superintendent. The prohibition resets the clock on the waiting time for your GLP stage.
Even if you have a previous ticket or prohibition, with only a week’s wait left it is very unlikely the Superintendent will start the prohibition quickly enough to prevent you from taking the test. If you have your Class 5 by the time the paperwork arrives, you will likely be treated as a Class 5 driver in the review.
Are you sure you’re eligible for a road test in November, since your previous prohibition would have reset the time? You may be in for a prohibition again. You could dispute it to try and buy time, but if you were in fact speeding it may be difficult to make a case for yourself, especially considering you may have to wait a long time before being able to do the Class 5 test anyway.
New drivers in the GLP really can not afford to get tickets, especially if you really need your car to get to work, or worse, for work itself. Try to control your speeding.
If you really can’t stop speeding, and seem to enjoy ‘spirited driving’ why don’t you check out these options; ways that you can get the best of both worlds… driving safely on the shared public roads, and driving for fun in a controlled environment.
VCMC Autocross
UBCSCC Autocross
VMSC Autocross (Victoria)
Mission Raceway Park
Dirt Fish Rally School (Washington)
Skip Barber Racing School
Check out my full article ICBC L&N Driver Restrictions – Summary and Bottomless FAQ to get all of the details.
Hello !! I Have my N and my driving record is clean . I’m doing my class 5 in January but I got a ticket for fail to yield to pedestrian. It happened when I was looking for cars and I rolled a little and bumped her by accident . I’m not sure what will happen. I never got a ticket before and icbc and the officer had different answers for my question . What are the chances of me getting prohibition ? If I get probation, how long will it last for ? I generally a safe driver so my records been clean.
Hi, I think technically any New driver who gets 3 points will be subject to a “review” by the superintendent of motor vehicles, and they will use their discretion to decide what to do. I’m not sure how long this takes. So I think you may or may not get a prohibition. I think you can still go for your class 5 in the meantime which would be highly recommended; class 5 drivers are subject to very different ~ possibly more lenient ~ consequences. Maybe Tim will have a better answer than me. http://www.drivesmartbc.ca/
Hey ! I Have my N And I have a clean record . I could of gotten my class 5 while ago but my car had a check engine light so I waited until o got a better car . I got a failed to yield for pedestrian ticket which is 3 points on my license. When I was looking the other way for cars o rolled a little and tapped the girl in front of me. She is fine barely any injuries. I was just wondering what will happen to my license ? Nobody seems to have an answer when I called icbc or talk to the officer. What are the cha Des of me getting prohibition ? And if I get probation , how long will I be on it for? This is my first ticket so I don’t know what’s going to happen.
hello if you have a 3month suspension that started 2 months ago and got another suspension for 5 months does the times add up so 8 months in total or is it just total of 5 months starting from your first prohibition?
If someone has there L and they get into a accident and you were driving alone but you pay your ticket, will you still be able to go for the N test when you got your L?
Hi, your license would be reviewed and may be prone to a prohibition , so that might delay the whole process.
If someone received a ticket in Feb 2014 (3 points), and another in November 2014 (3 points) resulting in a prohibition (3 months)… and then received a red light camera ticket (2 points) in Aug 2016 after 19 months of clean driving (22 months since last infraction, 31 months since first infraction), would they likely be up for immediate prohibition again?