ICBC Road Test Results Sheet for Class 5/6/7/8
The ICBC road test results sheet can look confusing. This might be because demerit points are not used for these particular road tests anymore. It’s all about understanding ICBC’s “Global Skills” and marking system.
ICBC’s Global Skills
Drivers are being tested on ICBC’s “global skills.” These are broken down into:
- Observation
- Space Margins
- Speed
- Steering
- Communication
Within each of these global skills, there is a list of items. Think of this as a list of things you could do wrong (or right). In other words, the examiner will only write down something on this paper if you do something wrong, miss something, or make an error.
- So, if your paper has no marks, I think it’s safe to say you passed your test
- If you fail one section, you fail the entire test
- Automatic fails can occur for dangerous actions, violations of the law or other reasons
Global Skills – Observation
A1 – Shoulder Check
Before any change in direction, lane change, road position, or pulling away from the curb, check to make sure the blind spot on the relevant side is clear by doing a quick shoulder check.
A2 – Scan
Always scan, especially when driving toward areas where hazards may be present, like playgrounds, crosswalks and intersections. Avoid staring straight ahead (tunnel vision).
A3 – Mirror Check
Check your mirrors before and after turning, changing lanes, or pulling out/over to the side of the road.
A4 – 360 Check
Before backing up, look all around the vehicle in a full circle (360 degrees) to ensure the surroundings are clear of any people, vehicles or hazards.
A5 – Direction of Travel
This is about keeping your eyes looking in the direction you are or will be travelling.
A6 – Backing
When reversing, look in the direction you are moving, with occasional glances forward if and when necessary. You may also glance at your back-up camera.
A7 – Hazard Perception
Always identify anything in your driving environment that could be a hazard to you and other road users.
A8 – Other
This is for any other observational errors not listed above.
Global Skills – Space Margins
B1 – Lane Position
Choose the appropriate, legal and safe lane position that also provides good visibility and ensures safe space margins.
B2 – Following Distance
Maintain a safe following distance between your vehicle and the vehicle in front of you. Consider the road conditions, visibility, weather, and other factors when deciding the appropriate amount of space.
B3 – Stops Too Close/Far
Leave an appropriate distance between your vehicle and any stopped vehicle in front of you. You don’t want to leave a football field, but you do want to stop so that you can still see the rear tires of the vehicle in front of you touching the pavement when you stop. This is just in case it breaks down or you need to move around it for whatever reason.
B4 – Gap
Choose an appropriate space in traffic that doesn’t cause other road users to adjust speed and/or road position, take safe gaps when traffic permits and when legally permitted. In other words, if you see a safe opportunity to turn left, for example, then take it. It shows skill and confidence. On the other hand, turning when an oncoming vehicle is too close or too fast could fail your road test for being dangerous. So it’s important to practice this skill.
B5 – Blocks X-Walk
Stop behind crosswalks to avoid blocking people from crossing. It’s illegal to backup on a crosswalk, so if this happens, just stay there and apologize to any pedestrians. Otherwise, be sure to stop before the white stopping line.
B6 – Turn Position
Maintain a suitable lane position during your turn and end in the correct lane. Do not turn wide or cut the corner.
B7 – Occupied X-Walk
Stop the vehicle before entering an occupied crosswalk.
B8 – Manoeuvre Location
When changing lanes, turning, stopping or parking, ensure your vehicle is at a location safe for yourself and other road users. Complete the manoeuvre in a safe
B9 – Other
This is for any other space margin errors not listed in this section.
B10 – Stop Position
You must stop the correct distance from the legal stop position. Refer to “stopping at intersections” in the Learn to Drive Smart guide for more detail.
B11 – Road Position / Parking Lot
When driving in a parking lot, position your vehicle to ensure it is visible, obey signs/posted instructions and provide room for other road users.
B12 – 3-Point Turn or U Turn
You must effectively and safely complete a 3-point turn (U-turn for motorcycles). Refer to the Learn to Drive Smart, or Learn to Ride Smart, guide.
B13 – Parking Margins
When parking, leave adequate space for other vehicles and objects, park close to the curb, do not cover pavement markings, and ensure you are obeying regulations.
B14 – Railroad Crossing – Motorcycle
Cross train tracks at a safe angle to prevent your tires from getting caught in the tracks.
Global Skills – Speed
C1 – Speed Maintenance
Choose a speed that is consistent, within the speed limit and is appropriate for the conditions.
C2 – Rolling Stop
Bring the vehicle to a complete stop when required (at stop signs, red lights and when exiting parking lots).
C3 – Amber Light
When a light changes to amber, you must stop before entering the intersection unless you are unable to safely stop in time.
C4 – Acceleration / Deceleration
You must accelerate/decelerate smoothly, without stopping or slowing unnecessarily
C5 – Shifting
You must select the most efcient gear, and change between gears safely and smoothly. Do not change gear directions (e.g. forward to reverse) while in motion and do not coast in neutral or with the clutch in (manual transmission).
C6 – Rolling Back
You must use the correct brake and gear control to prevent rolling back on a hill.
C7 – Other
This is for any other speed control errors not listed in this section.
C8 – Covers Brakes
When you see a potential hazard, take your foot off the accelerator and cover the brake in preparation to stop. Also, keep the brake applied when stopped.
C9 – Parking Brake
Fully apply the parking brake when parking and fully release it before moving.
Global Skills – Steering
D1 – General Steering
Maintain control of the steering wheel. Refer to “Steering” in the Learn to Drive Smart guide. Avoid angling the car or wheels to the left when waiting to turn left.
D2 – Other
This is for any other steering errors not listed in this section.
D3 – Steering Wheel Position
Turn your front wheels in the appropriate direction when parked on a hill. Do not initiate a turn with one hand on the inside of the steering wheel.
D4 – Weight Transfer (motorcycle)
While in motion, keep your feet on the foot pegs and maintain a proper riding position.
Global Skills – Communication
E1 – Signal
Use your turn signal to let people know you are planning to turn, change lanes, pull out or pull over.
E2 – Timing
Signal well ahead of the intended action to provide plenty of warning, but not so far ahead as to confuse other road users.
E3 – Cancel
Cancel your signal after you have completed the manoeuvre.
E4 – Other
This is for any other communication errors not listed in this section.
Failure Reasons
Inability to meet the minimum criteria for the driving skills listed in each of the core competencies: Observation, Space Margin, Speed, Steering, and Communication.
Dangerous Action (DA)
A driver’s action or lack of action which could result in a collision or loss of control of the vehicle. Driver Examiner or other vehicle must take action to prevent collision.
Violation (V)
Where observed behaviour exceeds the range in the applicable criteria and is typically a ticketable offence e.g., Does not stop at red light.
Inability to operate equipment once test has begun. Unwilling or unable to perform manoeuvre. Hitting objects, driving over curbs/sidewalks.
i failed my road test today :(
i didn’t drive the car i always drive with. the section i failed was vehicle manoeuvre, i couldn’t do a parallel park to save my life today / got an accel/decel / backing / ended up getting an ‘M’ for that section lol. the examiner was really nice, and told me i failed really nicely (haha)..
im kind of meh about it ’cause i guess there’s probably a good reason why i failed , but i dont understand 2 things:
1) Around Macdonald and 20ish he asked me to pull over on the main road at one point. I didn’t do it because there was a ‘no stopping’ sign, but he repeated it (and sounded kind of annoyed) it so i quickly pulled over because i didn’t wanna fail… i ended up pulling into the bus stop. Another time was in a residential area with a no parking sign, and i did the same thing (drove ahead looking for a spot with no stopping/no parking signs) when he told me to park because there was a frikkin no parking sign there!! After the test he said that i was slow to follow his instructions, cause when he said ‘pull over’ it was generally safe to do. On my next test, if this happens, do I just pull over even though theres a no parking / stopping sign?
2) At a left turn intersection on the main road i got ‘gap’. I didn’t want to make the left turn because i could see a small truck coming towards us, although he was a block away. My instructor always said to not turn if a car is visible. When there finally was a safe gap, i turned, but the truck behind me got tired of waiting so he turned at the same time. The examiner quickly stepped on the brakes on his side, which was great cause i could have collided with the truck. After the test he told me i could have turned even though i had seen the car because it was far enough. I kind of ‘get’ it, like it might have been safe but i guess i wasn’t driving confidently?
Also i got ‘Qualified’ for the left turn section even though the examiner had intervened. I spent the whole time after that turn feeling super blah because i thought that was an automatic fail.
Anyway the test wasn’t as bad as i thought it would be, i took it when the roads were busy as well and i dunno if there are such things as ‘easier’ routes but this was definitely not as difficult as i thought it would be! i spent a lot of time worrying about that left turn with the islands on Macdonald! Your blog was super helpful, especially about turning on amber. thanks!
Hi, I just did Road test yesterday, unfortunately failing because of overspeeding in playground area. Examiner said I did good but failed to see where playground ended. Can somebody tell me regarding Head Restraint on lower right of the sheet what a C mark means? Thank you.
Good advice. The driving test sheets can be as confusing as the driving lessons! ;)
Yeah I hear you!!
If one has a mistake in the red part…does that mean they automatically failed or not?
hi! i really flunked my first attempt at class 7 this week and it sucks bad because I lucked out with perfect driving conditions, (no sun no rain) and a nice examiner but I brought all kinds of stupid to this test. Can I contact you with my results? (uploader isn’t working) hoping you can lay it out for me in the easiest way; I really can’t believe I’ve got ‘rolling stop’ and ‘school zone’ on here because I spent hours and hours studying online to make sure I drilled in my head not to get those wrong. I took my foot off the gas when I saw the school zone sign and my car just wouldn’t slow down under 40 and it was so frustrating aghh! and I could not of felt any more dumb when he pointed out I’m not even allowed to drive with 2 feet. I guess I’ll have to practice that and only that before the next test but as far as the rest of my life goes idk I just find it really comfortable and easier to control and stop properly. That might sound dumb but I googled it and others were also fighting against it being ‘dangerous’ and that never in their life had they confused the break for the gas. Also lots of parking on the test damn! at the end he even made me back up between 2 cars which I did not see coming. I don’t know how but I actually did it pretty good and that was my first attempt ever lol! too bad it was all a waste
Those results aren’t considered pretty good.. I mean you failed 3/4 sections. And of course you aren’t allowed to drive with 2 feet you know how dangerous that is?
Thanks!!!1!1!!!!! I didn’t say my results were pretty good. I said my parking was pretty good for how nervous I was about it. Also thanks for telling me how dangerous it is. like I didn’t clarify that I wasn’t already notified of that.
Hey Sorry to hear. I didn’t really get the other comment. Hope everything is good :)