Halloween Safety Tips for Parents & Kids:
- Make sure your kids are dressed in reflective gear, give them a few glow sticks or flash lights; if nothing else attach some reflective tape to their costume
- Teach them not to dart across the road, cross only at the corners and look left & right (always look left first); better yet, go with them and use the opportunity to teach them about how to be a safe pedestrian
- Remind them not to rely on their ears alone; they must look as well; many new vehicles are very quiet (especially hybrids)
- Walk facing traffic, especially if there is no sidewalk
- Consider a community centre for younger children vs. trick or treating
- Paint or decorate your pumpkin rather than cutting it to avoid having children use sharp objects.
Tips for Drivers:
- Put away your phone and other distractions
- Do you really have to be driving? If not, then don’t.
- Drive slowly, always signal, avoid passing stopped vehicles (may be stopping to let children out)
- Keep in mind children wearing costumes may not be able to see properly.
- Check behind your vehicle before reversing and honk before reversing out of a driveway (preferably you reverse into a driveway so you don’t need to reverse out)
- Plan an alternate route around residential areas, if possible
- Leave lots of extra time. If you’re late, don’t stress. Better late than never.
- Have a safe and happy Halloween.
Read Halloween Safety Tips from BC Children’s Hospital
Read about City of Vancouver fireworks safety and permits

Category: Driving Skills