safe pedestrian

Pedestrian Safety

Pedestrians Of 2022

Learn more about being a safe pedestrian today. Because, well, someone’s gotta do it. As you may or may not have thought about, there is more to being a safe pedestrian than looking both ways before crossing the street.

And everyone knows that if a pedestrian and vehicle have a fight, the pedestrian will not be winning, unfortunately. So, it’s up to pedestrians to be very careful, even though drivers may not be doing what’s right.

Tips for Being A Safe Pedestrian 

Let’s talk about what side of the road to walk on if you’re walking on a road such as this one. But it’s a good tip for any road, even ones with sidewalks.

Of course, this is not an ideal place to walk (somewhere without a sidewalk). But, it happens. And it’s good to think about which side of the road to be on. It matters.

Being A Safe Pedestrian: If there is no sidewalk

If you must walk on the road, walk facing the traffic. Do not walk with your back to traffic.

In other words, walk so that the vehicles closest to you, are driving towards you, not away from you.

walking on road with balloons safe pedestrian

When you walk this way, you can get eye contact and move out of the way if need be.

If you walk with your back to the traffic, you won’t know what is creeping up behind you such as a distracted driver, a car with failed brakes, a very large truck, etc.

And the truth is you just never know what could be there. And it’s just better to see it than to not see it.

While standing on the edge of the intersection waiting for the ‘walk’ signal

safe pedestrian in the city

Avoid waiting on the very edge of the curb for your signal at an intersection. It seems that a lot of pedestrians find this tempting. It is safer to wait as far away from the edge as reasonably possible.

Pedestrians have been hurt & killed by vehicles that have collided at intersections; and it’s important to note that intersections are the most common place where vehicles collide.

Also, very large right-turning vehicles could sometimes cut the corner slightly – or more than slightly – driving over the edge of the sidewalk. Yikes.

Being A Safe Pedestrian: Eye Contact & Clothing

eye contact for pedestrians

Get eye contact with drivers before walking in front of vehicles (whenever this is possible, of course at night it’s a bit impossible at times), and of course, wear bright clothing.

Even wearing grey pants as oppose to black can make a big difference. In dark weather, wear a light or reflective garments.

Even shoes can matter. White shoes are much more noticeable to drivers than darker ones. You can get reflective shoe laces, too.

listen when walking to be a safe pedestrian

Ear Contact

Avoid listening to music, talking on the phone, and texting while walking.

You need to hear & be aware of what is going on around you. If you insist on listening to music, then listen with one ear only.

Your iPod could also be used as a light to make it easier for drivers to see you if you carry it in your hand.

don't walk and text
no music and walking

ICBC’s Tips For Pedestrians

  • Always make eye contact with drivers and never assume that a driver has seen you.
  • Remove your headphones and focus your full attention on what’s happening around you as drivers may not stop or obey traffic signals. Leave your phone alone.
  • Be careful at intersections and watch for drivers turning left or right through the crosswalk. Drivers may be focused on oncoming traffic instead of scanning for you.
  • Always cross at designated crosswalks – never mid-block. Follow pedestrian signs and traffic signals and never cross once the signal has turned yellow or red.​
  • Wear reflective clothing or gear and flashlights to make it easier for drivers to see you in wet weather, at dusk and at night.
  • On rural roads without sidewalks, make yourself visible and always walk facing traffic so you can see oncoming drivers.

Wearing All Black?

…With a black umbrella? Drivers don’t crash into pedestrians that they can see. Why not light yourself up a bit? 

How about an LED Umbrella? *May double as lightsaber*

How about a psychedelic Bike?

ICBC Pedestrian Infographic

Be a safe pedestrian (infographic) ICBC
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