No Parking No Stopping 2 Road Signs – What’s The Difference?

No Parking No Stopping 2 Road Signs – What’s The Difference?

Signs, Lines and Traffic Lights
No Parking & No Stopping Road Signs What's the difference between "no stopping" and "no parking" road signs? No Stopping Road Signs "No stopping" literally means, do not stop your vehicle. It's kind of like the opposite of a stop sign. In other words, "Keep it moving." If it helps to imagine a "Go" sign inside your mind, then go for it. These "no stopping" signs are usually found on roads where it's not a particularly safe spot to be stopping, such as on a bridge, near a hill or curve, or on the highway when driving through one of those "avalanche zones," for example. Of course, you might actually have to stop there if there's a good reason, like a traffic jam, construction, or an incident. No Parking Road…
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