Tips for Acing Your Class 5/7 ICBC Road Test

Tips for Acing Your Class 5/7 ICBC Road Test

Road Test & GLP
How Many Mistakes Are Allowed on Road Test ICBC? Navigating the road test can be a bit like solving a puzzle – there's no fixed number of mistakes that spell failure anymore, thanks to changes by ICBC. Instead, it's all about the route you take. There are different routes, some with more right turns than others. The number of mistakes you're allowed on those right turns can vary too. Imagine this scenario: you're cruising along, making a right turn, and oops, you forget to do that all-important right shoulder check. Then, it happens again. And again. The examiner starts to notice a pattern, a glitch in the matrix that needs fixing. Now, you might think that missing a couple of right shoulder checks doesn't sound like a big deal –…
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